It is hard for anyone to believe that some incidents that happen are blessings in disguise. This is a life experience of how I started my business long ago and things I have learnt in the process and would be an eye opener to you who is reading this book.

People always say that experience is the best teacher, but a smart move is to learn from someone’s experience. These days, no one makes money by working too hard, rather, by making smart decisions. I’m sharing this information with you because I know it’s going to benefit you beyond your expectations.

I worked for a company for 3 and half years as a Sales Executive, things went on fine, I got almost everything I needed as a bachelor and then, I thought it right for me to marry, that I did. After one month in my marriage as I returned from honeymoon to resume work, the director of the company decided to retrench some staff and unfortunately I was among those affected. Efforts were made by my loved ones in the company to reverse the decision especially on me owing to the fact that I’m just one month into marriage and secondly, I cover an important territory; however all the efforts proved abortive.

How To Find Genuine International customers

If you’re reading this article to this point, consider yourself lucky because it exposes two secrets for a successful startup of your own company. There were two things that helped me when I was in this company; one is relationship/PR and the other is what I call the smart decision approach.

No matter what you’re doing or your position where you work, building a formidable business relationship is a key you can’t do without whether it be relationship within your co-workers or relationship between you and company’s customers. The long term benefit cannot be overestimated. This is one of the things that helped me to get back to my feet quickly.

Secondly, the smart-decision-approach I made in the first year I was employed helped me tremendously. I was a fan of Robert T. Kiyosaki; I remembered when I was reading his books titled “Rich Dad Poor Dad” in the office, a senior staff told me that the book is not going to help me and I asked him his reasons which he never told me. From the book, I learnt the best way to make money is not working for money rather working to learn, I pondered over that statement for sometimes till I became engrossed with it.

What do I mean by smart decision approach?

These days almost everyone own one or two smart phones, but we still see lots of people not being smart. Friends you need to be smarter than your smart phones. Smart decision approach is a strategy that saved me from total catastrophe and it can save anyone too especially this period our economy has completely collapse.

You are ‘Fired is not be a death sentence’ if you’re prepared beforehand because it must surely be either by chance or by age.

This is just part of the book I published where I share most of the experiences I gathered as an entrepreneur over the years. Find out more about this by asking for your copy. You can also be patience with us by visiting this page because more from this book will be posted on this page soon. If you need to know about the strategy that saved me and my family indicate by commenting below, it shall be sent to the email address you used to subscribe to this website.

By Ozoemena O. Charles

CMO at Zuma Marketing Limited. CEO and Publisherat  Zuma Marketing is a contemporary company that deals in audio-visual products and integration, modern teaching aids and educational resources. Since 2012, ZML has provided thousands of clients with reliable and cost-efficient technology solutions for their a, presentation and Educational needs.



The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this article, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the economy or work conditions.

Also, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice, publications like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly.

You are encouraged to print this article and share with friends and business minded people for easy reading.


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